Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First night

Our room had a lovely view of the main street and we had a huge private verandah on the second floor. We went to dinner at a marsh land restaurant---I had mahi, Mel had duck breast and confit. They gave us FREE desserts, since the Inn had recommended them, nice peach and blueberry cobblers.
Mary and Frank's breakfast was a delightful array of fresh biscuits, omelettes, fresh fruit, yogurt, bagels, and fresh orange juice.
A wonderful taste of just what this trip was going to be like.
After breakfast, we walked the downtown and went down to the national seashoreline, looked across the marsh and shore and Cumberland Island--- and nearly froze. The morning temperature was 38. I'm gonna like this. :)
Back in the car for some good old Georgia BBQ for lunch. Not right now, but later. :)

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